Let's take a look together into:

A Mirror that reflects your world!

Do you walk your talk?

Walking your talk as a Christ follower means that your faith is not just a part of your life; it is your life. It's about making a conscious effort to reflect the love, grace, and truth of Jesus in every decision, interaction, and relationship. It's a continuous journey of growth, learning, and striving to embody the principles of Christianity in all that you do.

 Say what you mean and mean what you say, and don't say it mean! 

Or does your language take you down roads you’re not willing to follow? 

Taking a closer look at how your words and deeds connect – or don’t – can help you see where you really stand.

If you’re not where you wanted to be, you may be wondering why.

There are several reasons why you often stray from what you intend to do. At times, you bite off more than you can chew, setting ambitious goals that are beyond your current capabilities, capacity, or energy level. Then there are moments when you hit emotional snags that leave you floundering, sapping your drive, and high-jacking your brain! But quite frequently, the real stumper is your own reliability, or the lack thereof. You tell yourself, "Hey, I'm going to wake up early and hit the gym tomorrow," but then you wake up to a drizzly morning and think, "Nah, too gloomy out, I'll just snuggle in. I can always go to the gym later." It's this baffling habit of breaking promises to yourself that often derails you, leaving you wondering why you can't seem to stick to our own plans. We will kick this step of self sabotage to the curb. Together we will identify why you are betraying your God given worth, and you will be empowered to start living your life with value, passion, consistency and purpose.



Which brings me to what might be 7 of the most important questions we will explore together today:

  1. How pure are you to your word?
  2. How well are you living your values?
  3. Do you do what you say you will do?
  4. Are you walking in integrity to yourself and with others?
  5. Is it common for you to say one thing and do another?
  6. Have you ever been told to “practice what you preach”?
  7. Does it hurt when someone tells you that your words don’t match your actions?

Just imagine what it would be like to be the same person inside your home, as you are out in the worlds playground.

Let’s explore this together!


”Legacy Index*”

The Legacy Index* is a life transforming process that includes an online assessment, followed by a powerful explorations coaching session with me a Certified ELI-MP.

During this assessment and debrief, we will uncover what is holding you back from fully living the life you desire, and authentically walking your talk.

Legacy Index* Will reveal your E-Factor! The E Factor determines a baseline, revealing how you respond to stresses and successes. Together we will uncover how your attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors affect your overall life and leadership performance so that, you can genuinely “Walk Your Talk” in every area of your life!

“Do you have what it takes to Ignite your life”? And if so, why is it not on fire today?”

How effective are you at follow through? Why are you stuck?

Are you tired of just giving lip service to what you want to do? Are you standing still on the shoreline? Feeling paralyzed on the “rocks” of expectations, dreams, desires or integrity? Are you unsure of which shoe to wear as you take your next step? Do you feel as if you have been caught in the net of pride to look, act, speak, and feel “perfect”?

Isn’t it time to figure out why you are stuck and what’s keeping you there?

We will identify your E-Factor!

As a Life and Leadership Empowerment coach I work with a wide range of clients offering a straight-forward and supportive approach to acquire the tools you need to achieve your goals. Through this Legacy* process I desire to help my clients unlock their authentic selves, and reveal the person they were created to be. Now that is Freedom.

Discover today what is holding you back from Walking your Talk, and Living the legacy you desire to leave.

LeAnne says, “If you always do what you have always done, you will always be where you always are”.

Are you ready to discover how to achieve your own dreams while still supporting and caring for those you love?

Call today to schedule The Legacy Index*!

I’m ready

There are no limits as to the potential growth that you can achieve. Once you realize that your Legacy Factor* is directly related to your actions, you can move from living moment by moment, to functioning effectively and on purpose. It is time to live an Epic life. A life of Impact!

*The “Legacy Process” includes the Energy Leadership Index Assessment created by Bruce Schneider, Ph.D., and licensed through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching.

I offer several packages as well as hourly sessions for individuals, couples, families, and groups!

Coaching Packages:

I desire to meet you just where you are. All coaching packages can be designed to meet your needs. If you have a goal or challenge that you would like to discuss, please call me or send me a note on my contact page.

I look forward to Walking with You!