Adoption Blog The Many Voices in the Tapestry

Thank you Lesah for sharing your story with us…

I’ve had a good life. I had a good family. People who loved me and gave me everything. I had love, toys, anything a kid could ever want, but there was always something missing from my life and no matter how much I had, it just couldn’t fill that hole that was there. I can remember even from being very little, knowing I was different. I was always told my different was “special”. Funny, I didn’t feel special, I felt lost and alone. I felt like no matter what I did, I didn’t quite fit. I was always on the outside looking in. I floated through my life wondering who I was, missing people I never even knew. I was adopted. I was told I was chosen, that my birthparents loved me so much they gave me away because they were too young to raise me. I was told I was born out of love, and given away out of love. It took 38 years to find the truth.

My adopted parents did all the right things by me, my adopted Mom must have read every book on raising adopted kids, because it was never a secret to me that I was adopted. I would ask questions about where I came from, and I believe they answered as honestly as they could, I knew my name was Katherine at one time. I knew my birthfather was into music, and that my birthmother was really smart. My differences were nurtured, my nature was nurtured. They didn’t understand a lot of things about me, but I like to think they viewed me as an adventure and were a long for the ride. I was a kid who wanted for nothing- whether love or material things. I have so many great memories of my childhood, but it almost seems like a movie to me, like something the family gathered around to watch on a Saturday night. I pushed these people to their limits, and challenged them every chance I had. I wasn’t an easy child, not by any means, but they stood by me.