Coaching offers transformative value for those navigating the complex landscape of adoption. Through personalized coaching, you will unlock profound insights and develop strategies that lead to significant life changes. Here’s the value you can expect:

Empowerment & Personal Growth: You will discover newfound strength and confidence, enabling you to tackle life's challenges with resilience. By identifying your core values and beliefs, you will learn to live authentically, embracing your identity and experiences fully.

Clarity & Direction: Coaching provides a clear pathway through the often-confusing maze of emotions and decisions associated with adoption. With focused guidance, you will define your goals and vision, leading to purposeful actions and outcomes.

Healing & Resolution: Addressing the deep-seated issues of grief, loss, and identity often associated with adoption, coaching offers a safe space for healing. You will confront and reconcile past experiences, paving the way for emotional freedom and peace.

Connection & Relationships: Learn to forge stronger, healthier relationships through improved communication, empathy, and understanding. Coaching helps break down barriers to intimacy, enabling you to build lasting bonds with family, friends, and the broader community.

Legacy & Impact: By aligning your actions with your deepest values, you create a living legacy that reflects who you truly are and what you stand for. This transformative journey impacts not only your life but also those around you and future generations.

In essence, coaching with LeAnne is an investment in your future—a journey towards healing, empowerment, and authentic living that reshapes your personal narrative and legacy within the adoption community.

We are here to be of Service to Adoptees and their Families!

Finding together the missing threads in the Tapestry of their Adoption Stories. Together we will begin to Weave a Legacy of Love for generations to come.

As the Founder of The Adoption Summit Experience, a Radio Host, Speaker, Coach and Advocate for Conscious Adoption I am here to learn, educate, and inspire our community to walk out our lives with confidence, courage, and commitment at the very C.O.R.E.! Please reach out to me if you know someone who shares my vision. I am so very open to connect and learn from each of you!

Coaching Programs 2016- Please contact LeAnne for an updated schedule!

What is Coaching for Conscious Adoption Wellbeing?

The coaching relationship is a collaborative effort between you and your coach. This relationship is based solely on what you want. Unlike a best friend, mentor, social worker, or others in your life, your coach is objective and non-judgmental, and not attached to any outcome or decision you make.

Conscious Adoption Wellbeing Coaching is a process used to:

  1. Empower you
  2. Increase your self-awareness
  3. Facilitate more conscious decision-making
  4. Forward your decisions into focused and organized action
  5. Create accountability
  6. Measure progress

The focus is always on taking you from where you are to where you want to be.

Please contact LeAnne at 505-412-1817 for more information.

The Coaching model is amazing! It is however a process. Trusting the process one step at a time. Amazing jewels are within your grasp. The longest mile, begins with a single step.

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Discovery Call or Breakthrough Session

Are you feeling like Adoption has Highjacked your life?
Do you believe that there is more to your story then you have been told?
Are you in reunion and not sure how to walk your relationships out with courage?